Wednesday 24 March 2010

Final poster tests

As we could not use the photos of Jo, I have created the same style layout but with a new image. I took new photos of the rabbit mask, and have edited the layouts accordingly. I like these layouts and think they work well as advertisements. They contain the information that they need; Poppy and the Jezebels are an unsigned band so there is no need for labels etc to be named. As this a project and there is no single actually being published no stores are named for copyright reasons.
I have included fan pages and music bases because posters often include advertisement techniques like these. These are for the fans benefit of listening to music, and also beneficial to the marketers.

Brighter colours to match the digi pak version. I desaturated the image slightly to do this, altering the curves and levels to do so. I think this would work well as a final.

This is my favourite cover test; I think it could work very well as final. The colours are great; i desaturated some of the green so it wasn't too vibrant. There is a wonderland feel to it and I think it works great.

This was initially going to be the final digi pak layout; we all created a certain part of it. I created the front cover, and Kiera designed the rest of it.
As a group we decided some more editing could be added to maximise its potential. I have edited a grass image for Kiera so it is alike to my front cover so they can match better, and Kiera will create the rest of the digi pak from there.

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