Sunday 7 March 2010

Original photos for anxillary products.

I took these photos for the digi pak and poster. I decided to take inspiration from The Auteur's album cover (which is seen earlier on in my blog). I showed my group this idea and they agreed.
I then gained a rabbit mask off a friend of mine, and when we had decided it was a good idea, I took the mask into my garden and took photos of it for our cover.
There are also photos of Jo (our main character), but these were taken from another subjects work so I understand we cannot use these as final products.

This is my favourite photo of Jo. It is a centred image, and I think this works best. Jo also looks very nice in this photo, and an eyecatching good looking model is what a poster needs. The midshot allows her face to be the main aspect of the image, without being too close as a close up.

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