Saturday 6 March 2010

album cover test ideas.

This is my favourite out of the tests that I tried. I think there needs to be some added detail on it, maybe the typography. Something that isn't so bold and simple may look good as everything about the cover could appear boring. On the other hand this simplicity does make it stand out nice and easily.

This was just one with some added detailed to give a sense of originality to the band. The lighting bolts were to indicate some detail to the piece.
I used a fish eye filter on the typography here to try mishape the image slightly. I think it works well but not for this genre of music or purpose.

Again this is the fish eye filter but a different direction. I dont like the central aspect of the cover the sides appear to be bare.

My initial inspiration for the album cover is from independant signed band The Auteur.

This was an idea i thought i would try, in black and white, to test the simplicities and colours that could work well. I like the effect with the rabbit mask, but the rest of the cover now appears to be boring. If the rabbit was of a larger size this may increase the graphological aspects.

I like the rich colours in this one; it is pretty simple again and I like the layout.

This was some experimentation I tried with colour. I thought a black and white background and text could work, and in some cases it can but not for this particular purpose. I changed the rabbit to pink to add some colour and to also make the cover appear more girly.

This was the same again but with a manipulated ablue rabbit. I added the song title because there was a large space missing and sometimes it is placed on the single of a cover. I think the rabbit looks slightly evil with this editing so I shall not try it again.

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