Monday 26 April 2010


Music video (compressed version for upload purposes)

Digi pak (all to correct measurements)


This is the final advertisement poster for the anxillary product. I think it is a good poster and I am proud of it. I took some more photos of the rabbit mask for better composition throughout the image. I took a centre image so the poster could be more visually balanced. I edited the photo on Photoshop, using the burn/dodge tool for the dark and light effect from the outskirts inwards. I also altered the levels on the image, along with the curves to brighten the image. I added text through Photoshop also. I thought white text worked the best because it corresponded with the white rabbit mask, but also kept a fresh look to the poster. The simple white text also stood out the best against the darker background. I used the same font throughout, Perpetua Titling MT was the font used. I used Arial for the small print to make it as clear as possible. I underlined some of the text to seperate the statements; this was easier and more effective than the use of a full stop.

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