Wednesday 10 February 2010

location recce

After careful consideration into the feasibility of our project filming at bluebell woods, we have come to a new decision to film at this location because we have altered the number of actors etc and so travel could be difficult to drive. Atleast with this new location that is located near to our camera resources, we can apply these ideas better. This new location is located in Stratford upon Avon, near the Rec Grounds. I took these photos when on a walk with two members of my group. We were thinking on new ideas and I suggested near the REC grounds; we then had further ideas and they progressed to this.

I am thinking of a close up of Jo here, maybe when she is singing at the camera could work well. The trees and their branches are quite engaging and this could work very well in my opinion.
This is where Jo and the actors may be running; it is quite a vast space so this could work well.

This is a very picturesque shot, and i think it could work well with the river, rocks and land.
This is what is down the small hill, it leads to a small steam and there is quite a vast area of land around it.
Just another shot of the stream to demonstrate it corresponding with the trees that we are going to decorate.
The stream is long and the large amount of trees enables us as a group to decorate the area well for our video.
The entrance of the area shown. This path could be used i think for a few shots.
Again, the vast area that we are going to film in. It is a clear, not very pedestrianised area so this will work to our advantage.

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