Monday 1 February 2010

Cross media advertising

Cross media advertising can be defined as advertising in all media including radio, TV, direct mail, magazines, newspapers and the internet.
I understand that advertisement can happen through all of these, but I feel that the best are through the TV and magazines.
Direct mail is the same as junk mail, nobody wants it and it would get thrown away.
For the type of industry that I am doing my project on, newspapers don't seem the best option.
As for the internet, it seems a good idea but as my project products are not internet based I shall not be experimenting this idea.

Visual based subliminal messages that can come accross without realising, such as TV and magazines are the best advertisement options in my opinion.

There are benefits and drawbacks from cross media advertising. One of the main benefits of this technique is that it is more than one advertisement technique to suit the audience and location, there is not one set way to promote a product.
A drawback is it would cost more than usual because of new media technologies and distribution.

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